Add@Me Learning Methods (EN)

Title: The story of my shoe

This exercise is a way for the group to get to know each other on a different level. This is perfect in order to set up all the participants on the same level regardless of their background and experience, cause at the end of the day all of them are wearing shoes.

The participants are divided in groups of 2, the facilitator can give them the freedom to choose their pair by themselves and maybe suggest pairing up with someone to whom they did not talk so much during the previous exercises or they do not know well. The pairs speak to each other and share with their partner the story about their shoes. They can share everything for example: where did they buy the shoes and when, where have the shoes taken them till now, what do the shoes mean to them, some interesting story which happened while they were wearing the shoes. They have 10 minutes to discuss and need to divide the time so both partners can share something. After the 10 minutes passed the participants will reunite with the group next to them . Groups of 4 participants will now share their stories shortly. But in this new group of 4 everyone is sharing the story of the shoe of their partners. They have 10 minutes for this part also. A small discussion ends the game.


The group feel comfortable with each other.

Materials / Equipment needed:

No materials are needed for this exercise. In case participants would like to take notes during the discussions with their pairs they can use a pen and paper which can be available in the room.

Group size: Any size
Duration: 30 minutes
Step-by-step instructions:

The steps and rules of the exercise are explained in the summary section.

Reflection and evaluation questions:

At the end of the exercise the vi facilitator can initiate a discussion by asking participants how easy or difficult it was to share the story of their shoe? Also the facilitator may ask the participants if they were aware of something during and/or after this exercise?

Possible risk factors:

No real risks can be identifyed for this activity.


The exercise is recommended to be organised with participants over the age of 12.
