Add@Me Learning Methods (EN)

Title: The dice
Summary: A dice of relatively large proportions will be created beforehand, on each side an interesting aspect that can be used to introduce oneself will be placed. For example "my main motivation is...", "I want to work in...", "my favourite dish is...". Afterwards, each member of the group will roll the dice and will have to give an answer to the phrase that comes up. This is repeated as many times as desired. This is one of the most popular presentation dynamics.
Objectives: Introduce the group and get to know some characteristics of the participants. Sensitise sighted participants.
Materials / Equipment needed: A large dice with questions on each side that can be used to introduce oneself. A large dice with questions written in Braille for the visually impaired. A blindfold.
Group size: Any size
Duration: 15 minutes
Step-by-step instructions:

The facilitator tells the group to form a circle, then hands out the dice or dice that have previously been created of relatively large proportions (one of them in Braille) and each of the participants throws the dice and must respond to the phrase that comes up to introduce themselves. For example "my main motivation is...", "I want to work in...", "my favourite dish is...".

Blind participants will use the dice written in Braille. To raise awareness among sighted people, the facilitator will give them a blindfold and they will roll the dice again, for which a sighted person will be needed to help those who are blindfolded. This will be repeated as many times as desired.

Reflection and evaluation questions: How did you feel? What difficulties did you encounter when you were blindfolded? Did you need help to carry out the activity?
Possible risk factors: Remove all obstacles from the space
Variations: Adapt questions to the age group