Add@Me Learning Methods (EN)

Title: Mission impossible

The group is receiving tasks that are well explained by the vi facilitator (in case the group is bigger than 20 persons, they can be divided in two, this can also make the exercise more competitive). The number of the tasks is 30% less than the number of participants. The time should be limited as less as possible so they can be time pressured.  The facilitator is not helping the group after they receive the tasks but is monitoring them all the time. After the time passes, the members of the group present the outcomes and this leads to a small discussion. 

Example of tasks: 

Drink 0,5 liters of water, 

Find the person with the longest hair, 

Find the person with the shortest hair, 

Find out what is for lunch, 

Write down in one phone the phone numbers of everyone, 

Learn how to say hello in 2 different languages, 

Get to know what is the name of the closest bar, etc… 

Use your imagination to give more tasks to the group. Tasks should be prepared by the facilitator before the activity. In case the facilitator is a person with visual impairment he/she may need the assistance of a support or acompanying person (it can also be one of the participants), to help the facilitator set up.

***Do not mix this exercise with City Challenge.


The group starts working together as a team.

Materials / Equipment needed:

Depending on the tasks some materials may be necessary and they should be available.

Group size: Any size
Duration: The time should be limited so participants can be time pressured. Usually is less than an hour
Step-by-step instructions:

The step by step instructions are already presented in the summary section. The tasks can be changed by the vi facilitators according to the size and age of the group.

Reflection and evaluation questions:

At the end of the game the vi facilitator can  finish the activity with a short reflection and start the discussion with the participants by discussing with them how it was to go through the exercise and how it was for them to work in a team with persons they did not know well before the game. The facilitator can also ask the participants how they can transfer their experience they got from the activity into a real life situation.

Possible risk factors:

The vi facilitator should adapt the tasks given to the group to the age and profile of the participants in the room.


The exercise can be done with participants of all ages as long as the tasks are adapted to the age of the participants.
