Add@Me Learning Methods (EN)


List of Learning Methods matching with your search

Title: What is communication?
Summary: The facilitator invites all participants to explain in their own words what is communication for them and how did they feel when another person tried to figure out the message which was conveyed by his/her word in the previous activity.

Title: Which drink am I today?

This exercise is perfect for early mornings when the group is not that much into talks. The participants are sitting in a circle. Each of them is saying how they feel but using a drink to express their state of mind. They can choose any drink: coffee, alcohol, juices etc. and also motivate their choice.


Title: Would you?
Summary: All participants form a circle and everyone makes to the person right next to him a question that begins with the phrase “Would you..?” ec. Would you rather never use social media sites and apps again, or never watch another movie or TV show?