Add@Me Learning Methods (EN)

Title: The equivocated message
Summary: It is fun and allows reflection on the transmission of information in a chain of several interlocutors. The participants line up in a row. The first person in line receives the message directly from the facilitator. The first person in the line tells the message to the second person in the line, then to the third person in the line, and so on. The last person in line should say out loud the message they have received. The facilitator compares what was said at the beginning with what has arrived at the end, testing the participants' memory, attention span and communication skills.
Objectives: Reflect on the transmission of information from one person to another.
Materials / Equipment needed: Written messages
Group size: Any size
Duration: According to the group size
Step-by-step instructions: N/A
Reflection and evaluation questions: N/A
Possible risk factors:



