Add@Me Learning Methods (EN)


List of Learning Methods matching with your search

Title: Joke Contest

In a group of people with visual disabilities you prepare previously some of the jokes and fix a date to meet in an appropriate space to tell the jokes to the others. The joke tellers can invite friends or relatives or it can even be organized as an open public night for other citizens this can help them to know the visually impaired more closely.


Title: Karaoke

Karaoke is a singing contest that is usually played by reading lyrics on a screen but in this case, we play with People with visual impairment and we use songs that are familiar to them in order for the participants to sing from their memory. In case partially sighted participants are involved, a karaoke program can be used for which you will just need to maybe increase the font size.

A karaoke night can be organized in a pub where friends and relatives can be invited or it can be an open microphone night.


Title: Learning the Guiding Skills
Summary: This very simple activity allow participants to learn how to guide a visually impaired person, using appropriate guiding techniques (the Sighted Guide Skills).

Title: Let me introduce you !
Summary: All participants are put into groups of two. They will introduce themselves by telling each other their basic details and some identifying or unexpected detail or a particular taste or dream. Afterwards, the whole group will come together and each member of each pair will introduce the other person.

Title: Let's play Showdown!
Summary: This activity allows participants to experience a sport played by visually impaired people, the showdown. Thanks to this activity, they will get familiar with it and they will have fun by playing it. This sport can also be played by sighted People together with blind ones, if blindfolded. For this reason, in many cases it is considered an inclusive sport.

Title: Listen & build
Summary: The participants are divided into groups of 5. One of them is blindfolded and has to use the blocks to built something under his/her partners instructions

Title: Looking for a partner
Summary: This dynamic is based on choosing well-known phrases, sayings or drawings that are divided in two and distributed among the members of the group. Each person has to find the person who has the part of the phrase or drawing that is missing. They talk among themselves, telling each other their name, their hobbies, what they like to do in their free time. The group is told to be very attentive to what the partner tells them as they will then have to present it to the rest of the group. Each member of the pair then introduces the person they have been talking to to the rest of the group.

Title: Making connections
Summary: All participants form a circle in which every person is physically linked with two others. One volunteer stands with one hand on his/her hip, and then share one or more statements about his/herself to the group. When someone from the rest of the group hears a statement that they have in common with the first volunteer, they are invited to link elbows with them. This second person then shares something about themselves to the larger group, to attract a new person to link elbows with them, and so on.

Title: Mascot
Summary: Participants have blindfolds on their eyes. They are seated in a circle, the facilitator presents a mascot saying e.g., : “This is a teddy bear called Pooh and my name is……”. Each of the participants, one after another, introduces themselves this way. The Mascot is passed from hand to hand.

Title: Master of Diversity Trivial Contest

You can use Add@Me Trivial as a powerful and very funny tool in your awareness raising workshops. Add@Me Trivial is a multilingual, accessible, and free to use online tool which consists of a series of quizzes regarding different aspects of visual impairment:

  • Disability knowledge
  • Braille code
  • Sports
  • Art & Music
  • History
  • Assistive Technologies

There is a special quiz “Master of Diversity” that includes a mix of questions from all the topics above.

The game can be played individually or in teams, by sharing a user account. Every time you take a quiz it will contain a different set of random questions. After every attempt you will get feedback about your answers, and your score. Those players who pass the quiz (5 out of 10 right answers are needed) will receive a badge. There is a time limit of 20 minutes to complete each attempt.

The different contest types you can organise with this tool only depends on your imagination. We will give you here just one idea. Adapt it to your needs!